Cloud data security best practices
November 10, 2023
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Give precedence to threats. Strengthen defenses. Minimize risks both internally and externally across the attack surface.
Stay ahead of attackers with Cyberoon IntelliDefend.
GO TO CYBER AI CENTERReal-time Protection
AI-Powered Security
Comprehensive Analysis
Automation Capabilities
Continuous Updates
IntelliDefend AI: Real-Time Protection Against Emerging Threats
The primary objective of IntelliDefend AI revolves around offering maximum protection against a wide array of threats. Leveraging state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technologies, it promptly detects and responds to potential dangers in real-time. Its core aim is to establish a secure environment for users, organizations, and systems, thereby minimizing risks and swiftly preventing adverse outcomes stemming from threats.
IntelliDefend AI operates via structured phases: Data Collection gathers information from various sources. Analysis involves meticulous examination using machine learning, identifying anomalies and potential threats. Threat Detection swiftly identifies and notifies about potential threats with insights and recommended actions based on analysis.
IntelliDefend AI swiftly responds to threats, autonomously implementing protection like blocking suspicious traffic. Continuous training and updates help it adapt to counter emerging threats. Reporting evaluates protection and monitors for new threats, fortifying its effectiveness against cyber threats for critical data and systems.